Saturday 19 May 2018

Froome resurrected on Zoncolan!

Monte Zoncolan
2018:9,8 km@12,2%---39:58---average speed 14.71 km/h(Christopher Froome)
2014:9,8 km@12,2%---41:30---average speed 14.17 km/h(Rigoberto Uran)
                                  ---41:35---average speed 14.14 km/h(Nairo Quintana)
                                  ---43:55---average speed 13.39 km/h(Michael Rogers)
2011:9,8 km@12,2%---40:52---average speed 14.39 km/h(Igor Anton)
2010:9,8 km@12,2%---40:42---average speed 14.45 km/h(Ivan Basso)
2007:9,8 km@12,2%---39:03---average speed 15.06 km/h(Simoni-Piepoli)-RECORD


  1. Impressive performance.
    Have you any Duron ascent times? That would make it easier to compare the 2010 ascent to this one. If my memory is right it was a fast ascent in 2010, or at least it looked faster. Maybe it's just me being a Basso fanboy, but it would be interesting to know.
